Enjoy Applause? Consider donating!

Your donations will be used to serve these needs and goals:

  • To help Applause become a paying venue for our contributors. We believe artists should be compensated for their work.
  • To help Applause expand our website content areas as well as pay for our annual hosting and maintenance needs.
  • To help Applause keep submissions free for contributors and our content free for readers by upgrading our submission software to expand its capabilities.
  • To help Applause increase the number of readings and craft classes by nationally recognized writers we are able to offer free and online via our Reading Series.
  • To help us be less reliant on university monies so we can (eventually) establish an Applause scholarship, which would allow us to give directly back to The University of Arkansas-Fort Smith, which has supported us for over thirty years.

Thanks so much for enjoying and supporting Applause!

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.